The Hollywood Reporter on Demetri Martin's Star Quality
Over at the Hollywood Reporter's Risky Business blog, Steven Zeitchik has written a post entitled Can Demetri Martin be a movie star? The piece looks at the breakout actors who emerged throughout the course of the Cannes Film Festival, and Zeitchik writes about British teenager Kate Jarvis, from Andrea Arnold's acclaimed Fish Tank, and German thesp Christoph
Over at the Hollywood Reporter's Risky Business blog, Steven Zeitchik has written a post entitled Can Demetri Martin be a movie star? The piece looks at the breakout actors who emerged throughout the course of the Cannes Film Festival, and Zeitchik writes about British teenager Kate Jarvis, from Andrea Arnold's acclaimed Fish Tank, and German thesp Christopher Waltz, who took home the Best Actor prize at the fest for his lead role in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds.
However, front and center Zeitchik places Demetri Martin, star of Ang Lee's Taking Woodstock. He has effusive praise for the quirky observational comedian who has recently moved into acting, seeing Martin's performance in Woodstock as the start of an auspicious career:
"What his nice-guy, boy-next-door turn shows is surprising chops -- and a potential to do a lot more than just the deadpan comedy for which he's become known on "The Daily Show" and his own Comedy Central series. It takes guts to do what Ang Lee did -- cast a comic-turned-TV star as the likable everyman through which we see one of the seminal boomer moments. It takes even more guts to take the role and turn it into something uniquely likable and charming, which is what Martin does. Whatever happens to this movie (and don't believe the critics, it's a persuasive bit of filmmaking), Martin should get a boost from it."
You can read the article in its entirety here.