David John Minns on the blog "Off the Cuff" for the cybertailor site ASuitThatFits.com took at look at TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY to check out the spy threads. What caught his eye, in addition to the "great three piece heavy weight wool's in beautiful autumnal colours" worn by Bill Haydon (Colin Firth), was the dapper style of George Smiley...
David John Minns on the blog "Off the Cuff" for the cybertailor site ASuitThatFits.com took at look at TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY to check out the spy threads. What caught his eye, in addition to the "great three piece heavy weight wool's in beautiful autumnal colours" worn by Bill Haydon (Colin Firth), was the dapper style of George Smiley (Gary Oldman). Dissecting one scene in the boardroom, Minns notes of Smiley's three-piece suit:
His Waistcoat is cut with a notched lapel, and notched base with 5 buttons. Trousers are single pleated, tapered to the foot with no turn-up. And I think the most poignant moment in this scene is when Smiley adjusts the base of his Waistcoat just before he takes his seat at the head of the table; correctly dressed, and taking pride in his well earned position of sartorial leader of the pack.