Alex Gibney on CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper

With the Bradley Manning trial starting, Alex Gibney's Focus World doc WE STEAL SECRETS: THE STORY OF WIKILEAKS is providing the media a powerful and precise primer on the events and people that lead up to this moment. CNN's Jake Tapper had Alex Gibney, the writer/director of WE STEAL SECRETS, on to talk about the film, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. Watch.

With the Bradley Manning trial starting, Alex Gibney's Focus World doc WE STEAL SECRETS: THE STORY OF WIKILEAKS is providing the media a powerful and precise primer on the events and people that lead up to this moment. CNN's Jake Tapper had Alex Gibney, the writer/director of WE STEAL SECRETS, on to talk about the film, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. Watch.