BEGINNERS Canine Talent

In his IndieWIRE post for Spout, "Are the Best Movie Characters of 2011 Animals," Christopher Campbell comments, "The other night I caught Mike Mills' BEGINNERS, which will probably (surprisingly) make my top ten fiction film list for this year if I make one. One of the best parts of the film is the Jack Russell terrier, Arthur (played by Cosmo), especially when he's given subtitled speech." Campbell goes on...

In his IndieWIRE post for Spout, "Are the Best Movie Characters of 2011 Animals," Christopher Campbell comments, "The other night I caught Mike Mills' BEGINNERS, which will probably (surprisingly) make my top ten fiction film list for this year if I make one. One of the best parts of the film is the Jack Russell terrier, Arthur (played by Cosmo), especially when he's given subtitled speech." Campbell goes on to point out that he's not alone in noticing the animal kingdom's thespian reach this year. Over at The Hollywood Reporter, Scott Feinberg put together a slide show, "It's a Zoo This Season: 22 Awards Contenders Featuring Animals," highlighting a whole menagerie of talent. Maybe it's time for an Oscar for Cosmo.