Last night, Woody Harrelson joined Kaitlin Olson and the cast of Champions at the New York City red carpet premiere.
Champions NYC Red Carpet Premiere
Woody Harrelson and Kaitlin Olson at the Champions premiere.
Kevin Iannucci attends the Champions premiere.
Casey Metacalfe at the Champions premiere.
Joshua Felder at the Champions premiere.
Madison Tevlin and James Day Keith at the Champions premiere.
Alex Hintz at the Champions premiere.
Matt Cook at the Champions premiere.
Kaitlin Olson at the Champions premiere.
Woody Harrelson shows off his basketball skills at the Champions premiere.
Matthew Von Der Ahe at the Champions premiere.
James Day Keith at the Champions premiere.
Tom Sinclair at the Champions premiere.
Ashton Gunning at the Champions premiere.
Ashton Gunning and Tom Sinclairat the Champions premiere.
Woody Harrelson stars in Champions, the hilarious and heartwarming story of a former minor-league basketball coach who, after a series of missteps, is ordered by the court to manage a team of players with intellectual disabilities. He soon realizes that despite his doubts, together, this team can go further than they ever imagined.
Champions premieres in theaters March 10th.
The official trailer for Champions