Comic-Con Begins & THE WORLD'S END
Comic-con, the revered mecca in San Diego of all things geeky and cool, starts this week and THE WORLD’S END (as well as Simon, Nick, and Edgar) will be there too. Here are just a few of THE WORLD’S END events coming up at Comic-Con. On Thursday, July 18, at 1 pm, there’s the IGN.com Bar Crawl at The Commons SD. And all day there’s a chance to locate 12 special THE WORLD’S END trading cards by following @TheGoldenMileCC in order to be eligible for a ticket to the very coveted pre-release screening of THE WORLD’S END at Comic-Con. On Friday at 10 am, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and director Edgar Wright come together for their official Comic-Con panel. And all day there is still a chance to get those 12 special THE WORLD’S END trading cards to be eligible for the screening happening Friday night. To see images of the boys behind the scenes with fans at Comic-Con (as well as some ah-mazing fan art), go to our The Cornetto Trilogy Tumblr.
Comic-con, the revered mecca in San Diego of all things geeky and cool, starts this week and THE WORLD’S END (as well as Simon, Nick, and Edgar) will be there too. Here are just a few of THE WORLD’S END events coming up at Comic-Con. On Thursday, July 18, at 1 pm, there’s the IGN.com Bar Crawl at The Commons SD. And all day there’s a chance to locate 12 special THE WORLD’S END trading cards by following @TheGoldenMileCC in order to be eligible for a ticket to the very coveted pre-release screening of THE WORLD’S END at Comic-Con. On Friday at 10 am, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and director Edgar Wright come together for their official Comic-Con panel. And all day there is still a chance to get those 12 special THE WORLD’S END trading cards to be eligible for the screening happening Friday night. To see images of the boys behind the scenes with fans at Comic-Con (as well as some ah-mazing fan art), go to our The Cornetto Trilogy Tumblr.