Creative Review has designs on BEGINNERS Mike Mills
The British Design mag Creative Review looks at BEGINNERS writer/director Mike Mills in Eliza William's profile "Mike Mills on Beginners, graphic design and music videos." It's a lovely piece that emphasizes for it's audience that BEGINNERS offers an "amusing insight into the life of a graphic designer, with Oliver earning his crust by struggling to create cover artworks for bands that just don't seem to understand his vision." The rest of the piece explains how much that biographical sketch applies to Mr. Mills himself.
The British Design mag Creative Review looks at BEGINNERS writer/director Mike Mills in Eliza William's profile "Mike Mills on Beginners, graphic design and music videos." It's a lovely piece that emphasizes for it's audience that BEGINNERS offers an "amusing insight into the life of a graphic designer, with Oliver earning his crust by struggling to create cover artworks for bands that just don't seem to understand his vision." The rest of the piece explains how much that biographical sketch applies to Mr. Mills himself.