Gary Oldman in LA TImes Mag

In "Spy Work," a profile/interview of TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY's Oscar-nominated Gary Oldman in LA, the Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine, Eric Estrin talks with the actor about his life and work. With photographs by Andrew Macpherson. The piece starts with an amazing story about how Oldman was beaten up by real punks on the set of Sid & Nancy, and then moves forward in time to Oldham wrestling with himself over taking the role of George Smiley in TINKER, especially after Alec Guinness had made the character  so famous. Oldman recalls, "That stopped me from committing to the project immediately. I had to slay the dragon in my head for about a month before I said yes." Lucky for us, the the part of him who wanted the role won.

In "Spy Work," a profile/interview of TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY's Oscar-nominated Gary Oldman in LA, the Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine, Eric Estrin talks with the actor about his life and work. With photographs by Andrew Macpherson. The piece starts with an amazing story about how Oldman was beaten up by real punks on the set of Sid & Nancy, and then moves forward in time to Oldham wrestling with himself over taking the role of George Smiley in TINKER, especially after Alec Guinness had made the character  so famous. Oldman recalls, "That stopped me from committing to the project immediately. I had to slay the dragon in my head for about a month before I said yes." Lucky for us, the the part of him who wanted the role won.