It's Kind of a Funny Story Competition at Filter
The good people at Filter magazine are currently running an It's Kind of a Funny Story giveaway contest in which you can win a load of movie-related goodies. The prizes on offer are specifically: - a movie poster signed by stars Zach Galifianakis, Keir Gilchrist and Emma Roberts, and writer-directors Anna Boden
The good people at Filter magazine are currently running an It's Kind of a Funny Story giveaway contest in which you can win a load of movie-related goodies. The prizes on offer are specifically:
- a movie poster signed by stars Zach Galifianakis, Keir Gilchrist and Emma Roberts, and writer-directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck;
- a movie edition tie-in copy of Ned Vizzini's acclaimed young adult novel It's Kind of a Funny Story";
- and a special branded It's Kind of a Funny Story hoodie.
Visit the Filter magazine website for more details.