It's Kind of a Funny Story's Writer Directors Interviewed at WSJ
Over the weekend, there was an interview with It's Kind of a Funny Story's writer-directors Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden in the Wall Street Journal. In the article by Bruce Bennett, they talked about making a studio movie for the first time, and once again setting the action in New York Ci
Over the weekend, there was an interview with It's Kind of a Funny Story's writer-directors Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden in the Wall Street Journal. In the article by Bruce Bennett, they talked about making a studio movie for the first time, and once again setting the action in New York City. Ned Vizzini's young adult novel on which It's Kind of a Funny Story is based was set in Brooklyn, and that borough -- which is also home to Fleck and Boden, and is an old haunt of Zach Galifianakis' -- was where the movie was shot too.
Here's an extract from the article on using real Brooklyn locations, and the curious situations that can arise out of that:
Crown Heights's imposing Woodhull Medical Center provided the fictional hospital's entrance and rooftop, and Wyckoff Heights Medical Center's emergency room stood in for the admitting area where Craig first encounters Mr. Galifianakis's Bobby. "When we shot the emergency room, we shot overnight when it was less likely to have a lot of people coming through it," Ms. Boden said. "But it was still a functioning emergency room."Indeed, the facility's double role as a film set and a triage area was, according to Mr. Fleck, a source of puzzlement for some of Wyckoff Heights' regular denizens. "We had a few spectators coming through that looked confused," he said. "Like, 'Where am I? There's Zach Galifianakis. Did I die and go to comedy heaven?' "
To read more, check out the entire interview profile at the Wall Street Journal website.