Jim Sturgess in The Telegraph on costumes and character

The British paper The Telegraph carried a fascinating interview with ONE DAY's star Jim Sturgess in the magazine section this weekend. Done by Vicki Reid, the interview coves a lot of territory, from Sturgess' teen rock band days to his new projects to the complexity of getting Dex just right. Perhaps one of the most interesting things is the way Sturgess used costumes to build his character...

The British paper The Telegraph carried a fascinating interview with ONE DAY's star Jim Sturgess in the magazine section this weekend. Done by Vicki Reid, the interview coves a lot of territory, from Sturgess' teen rock band days to his new projects to the complexity of getting Dex just right. Perhaps one of the most interesting things is the way Sturgess used costumes to build his character. Sturgess days,

Normally you make a film and you think "OK, what does my character do?" ... and you go and learn what he does; if he's a welder you start welding, if he's a policeman you start learning about being a policeman. But Dexter doesn't know how to do anything other than be charming and superficial. So when we were doing the costume fittings I remember thinking, this is a great place to start finding out who Dexter is. It is about what shoes go with which shirt, and how my hair looks with this outfit. It became a really fun way of playing around with him, because he's all about display, and what he puts out there.