Keira Knightley is NY Times Mag's Dream Actress

In New York Times Magazine special online video gallery "Wide-Awake" there are 13 short films featuring 13 of this year's most celebrated actresses enacting particular dreams. All the videos are directed by Tierney Gearon. Above is ANNA KARENINA's Keira Knightley in yet another mesmerizing role. Ms. Knightley was also on the cover of the New York Times Magazine special "The Hollywood Issue."

In New York Times Magazine special online video gallery "Wide-Awake" there are 13 short films featuring 13 of this year's most celebrated actresses enacting particular dreams. All the videos are directed by Tierney Gearon. Above is ANNA KARENINA's Keira Knightley in yet another mesmerizing role. Ms. Knightley was also on the cover of the New York Times Magazine special "The Hollywood Issue."