Mia Wasikowska on Jane: "worth being respected"

In “Mia Wasikowska travels from Alice to Jane Eyre,” Christine Kearney at Reuters talks to the young star about her short, but very robust, career. Kearney talks about her early work for the HBO show “In Treatment” to her star turn in Alice in Wonderland. One of the best parts is Mia Wasikowska’s take on Jane Eyre:

In “Mia Wasikowska travels from Alice to Jane Eyre,” Christine Kearney at Reuters talks to the young star about her short, but very robust, career. Kearney talks about her early work for the HBO show “In Treatment” to her star turn in Alice in Wonderland. One of the best parts is Mia Wasikowska’s take on Jane Eyre:

It's a really important character for women particularly, because she has an innate sense of self respect, which a lot of people don't have. And she has no one to have got that from, it's not like she had a loving upbringing or something, but she is born with something inside of her that says 'I am worth having a good life. I am worth being respected, I am worth having a good relationship. And I am worth being treated well.' And all those things speak to people, no matter what time it