New York Times Magazine: Adepero Oduye as Bonnie Parker

In a special interactive piece for the New York Times Magazine Hollywood issue, "Touch of Villiany From the Year's Best Performers," many actors whose performances were just so good got a chance to be really bad, classic villainy bad, that is. PARIAH's Adepero Oduye acted out the classic machine gun scene from BONNE & CLYDE as....

In a special interactive piece for the New York Times Magazine Hollywood issue, "Touch of Villiany From the Year's Best Performers," many actors whose performances were just so good got a chance to be really bad, classic villainy bad, that is. PARIAH's Adepero Oduye acted out the classic machine gun scene from BONNE & CLYDE as the infamous Bonnie Parker. As Oduye commented in the slide show section, "'I had this feeling like it was a standoff. And how when you're putting on a brave front, and you're acting all tough, that moment comes when you know it's all over and you're about to die.'' In any case, it's super fun to watch.