New York Times on Helen Mirren's many personalities
In New York Times Magazine, Helen Mirren talks to Andrew Goldman about her multiple identities, including her past libertine reputation. One of the more interesting bits is Goldman trying to connect Mireen to her character in THE DEBT...
Focus News | Aug 28, 2011
In New York Times Magazine, Helen Mirren talks to Andrew Goldman about her multiple identities, including her past libertine reputation. One of the more interesting bits is Goldman trying to connect Mireen to her character in THE DEBT, a retired Mossad agent, and asks if she might be a secret Jew. Mirren responds:
I wouldn't be surprised. But if I am, I doubt very much that it's on my Russian side, which is quite defined. It would more likely be on my English side. My mum came from the working-class East End of London, where the Jewish immigrants began their journey in English society. I've always thought I might have either some Jewish or some Gypsy, one or the other.