New York Times picks Somewhere's Stephen Dorff for the Holidays
In the New York Times’s holiday movie section, Karen Durbin singles out the actors to watch this winter in her article “Meaty Roles for Actor to Chew On.”We are thrilled to see that one of the five performances of note for Ms. Durbin is Stephen Dorff's in So
Focus News | Oct 30, 2010
In the New York Times’s holiday movie section, Karen Durbin singles out the actors to watch this winter in her article “Meaty Roles for Actor to Chew On.”
We are thrilled to see that one of the five performances of note for Ms. Durbin is Stephen Dorff's in Somewhere:
Stephen Dorff is nothing if not versatile, with roles that include the so-called fifth Beatle, Stuart Sutcliffe, in Backbeat, an evil vampire kingpin in Blade and the transsexual beauty Candy Darling in I Shot Andy Warhol. But Sofia Coppola’s Somewhere (Dec. 22) doesn’t just give Mr. Dorff an actor’s dream breakout — the lead in a high-profile, high-prestige film — it also brings him close to home.