NY TIMES: John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph are "scene stealers"
In this Sunday's New York Times' special section on summer movies, Karen Durbin picked out five actors whose performances deserve special notice. Two of them are really a couple--John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph in Away We Go. Durbin writes:
Focus News | May 4, 2009
In this Sunday's New York Times' special section on summer movies, Karen Durbin picked out five actors whose performances deserve special notice. Two of them are really a couple--John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph in Away We Go. Durbin writes:
In “Away We Go,” they are both subtle, working off each other like expert musicians who have been playing together for years. Her Verona is the more opaque; she’s quiet and, without seeming sour or depressed, doesn’t smile a lot. During a visit with Burt’s narcissistic parents, she’s polite but just reserved enough that we know she thinks they are awful. We come to feel the weight of their situation — her advancing pregnancy, their lack of a proper home — in her pensiveness.