NY TIMES: Wes Anderson and the Power of Love

In the Sunday New York Times, Dennis Lim's profile "Giving Chase to Young Love on the Run: Wes Anderson's MOONRISE KINGDOM With Bill Murray," presents filmmaker Wes Anderson talking about the film's origins and his creative process. While much of the film's look and feel is an extension of Anderson's marvelous imagination, there are elements here rooted to very specific emotions. Anderson explains:

This is the only time I've been consciously trying to capture a sensation, which is that emotion of when you're a 12-year-old and you fall in love....I remember that being such a powerful feeling, it was almost like going into a fantasy world. It's stuck with me enough that I think about it still.

In the Sunday New York Times, Dennis Lim's profile "Giving Chase to Young Love on the Run: Wes Anderson's MOONRISE KINGDOM With Bill Murray," presents filmmaker Wes Anderson talking about the film's origins and his creative process. While much of the film's look and feel is an extension of Anderson's marvelous imagination, there are elements here rooted to very specific emotions. Anderson explains:

This is the only time I've been consciously trying to capture a sensation, which is that emotion of when you're a 12-year-old and you fall in love....I remember that being such a powerful feeling, it was almost like going into a fantasy world. It's stuck with me enough that I think about it still.