Scientist Rates Movie Scientists

The scientist is wily character in film—sometimes the hero, often the villain, but nearly always misunderstood. That is until disaster proves him right. At The House Next Door, Simon Hsu (a real scientist who does research on protein structure at the UCSD School of Medicine) listed five films of interest featuring scientists. In making his choices, he writes, &l

The scientist is wily character in film—sometimes the hero, often the villain, but nearly always misunderstood. That is until disaster proves him right. At The House Next Door, Simon Hsu (a real scientist who does research on protein structure at the UCSD School of Medicine) listed five films of interest featuring scientists. In making his choices, he writes, “I was not interested in the accuracy or validity of the scientific concepts presented, but rather the authenticity of the relationship between scientists and their work.” So the lists is both fascinating and wide, moving from Herzog’s Encounters at the End of the World to Ang Lee’s Hulk to Wes Anderson’s The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I wonder how Mr. Hsu will consider the “scientist” at the heart of Shane Acker’s upcoming 9.