The Advocate: Mike Mills tells "all the things dads and sons don't usually talk about"
In the current Advocate, Ari Karpel's feature on Mike Mills "It's Never Too Late" talks to the writer/director of Beginners about dealing with his own father coming out at 75. Read more.
In the current Advocate, Ari Karpel's feature on Mike Mills "It's Never Too Late" talks to the writer/director of Beginners about dealing with his own father coming out at 75. In the film, Beginners, Ewan McGregor plays a similar character to Mills whose father (played by Christopher Plummer) comes out late in life. The story of men coming out late proves, as Karpel points out, more common than one would think. In the article he talks to a man who ended up divorcing his wife in his 50s to start being his true gay self. While suddenly getting a gay dad proved a bit overwhelming at points, Mike Mills is ultimately happy about and grateful for his dad's coming out: "I'll take the messy, crazy gay dad over the polite straight dad in the end."