THE DEBT's John Madden Considers "All Things"

The director of THE DEBT appeared on NPR's All Things Considered to discuss his thriller. It's a diverting conversation that swerves....

The director of THE DEBT appeared on NPR's All Things Considered to discuss his thriller. It's a diverting conversation that swerves from the strange serendipity of the title (attached to the film long before Congress went into session) and Madden's own history of creating drama on radio. But more than anything, Madden brought up the emotional and political complexities woven into this thriller about three Mossad agents who carry with them a dark secret. For one thing, Madden points out, ""In Israel, 'the debt' has a much more specific resonance, having to do with the debt the nation owes to the 6 million dead....But it has more meanings and other meanings as the film unfolds."