Three Scenes from A Serious Man

The Coen brothers' screenplay for A Serious Man is up for an Oscar. Find out why.

On January 10, 2010, the New York Times offered a taste of the different screenplays competing for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.  We’ve decided to whet your appetite even more by offering two more scenes to peruse for your pleasure. The first scene, which is reprinted in the New York Times, finds poor Larry Gopnik asking Rabbi Scott for help in his relationship as the good Rabbi ponders lessons learned from parking lots. The second scene is a card game taking place in the Gopniks’ home in which Uncle Arthur says more than he should. In the third scene, Larry, a professor of physics, attempts to negotiate with a student who is trying to bribe him. Enjoy.


Click the following links to download a PDF of the scene.

Scene 1: Larry asks Rabbi Scott for relationship advice

Scene 2: A card game gets awkward

Scene 3: Larry barters with a student briber


For a copy of the A Serious Man script in paperback, please visit