UK's Daily Mail: ONE DAY "Summer's Best Weepie"

Brit paper Daily Mail columnist Baz Bamigboye recent saw One Day with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. Unlike many of his countryman, Bamigboye hasn't read the novel. But that in no way kept him from being awash in emotion:

Brit paper Daily Mail columnist Baz Bamigboye recent saw One Day with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. Unlike many of his countryman, Bamigboye hasn't read the novel. But that in no way kept him from being awash in emotion:

I have always believed that we know the person we love within 20 seconds of meeting them, but for some it takes 20 years. Much more happens in this film (those who have read the book will know), but I'm not going to reveal anything here. Except to say, take plenty of tissues because it's the summer's best weepie.